Friday, 10 January 2014

Video Submission Service: Traffic Geyser

Anyone doing any type of Internet marketing has come across Traffic Geyser. If you haven't heard of it before now, then hold on to your hats. You are about to be blown away with what Traffic Geyser does for Internet marketing.
First, it is important to know how the Internet works. You are probably familiar with search engines like Yahoo and Google. What you may not know is how exactly they work. These search engines constantly search the Internet for new videos and content. They look for what is considered "expert" knowledge and quality content. There are certain sites that are considered "expert" and if your content gets published there it automatically gets ranked.
The next thing you need to know is the importance of video information. According to eMarketer, in 2007 52% of all web traffic was through videos. Ranking wise, this means videos dominate, and if you want to dominate the search engines, then you need to have videos. Videos are not ranked by content, but by title. So the title of your video is everything. It needs to be keyword packed for best visibility.
Finally, you need to know how to tap into all this ranking to gain maximum visibility and keyword domination. This is where video submission services come into play. Creating a high quality video is one thing. Submitting it to all the video sites and social networking sites is a whole other story. It can take you days, if not weeks, to submit to all the individual sites. A video submission service like Traffic Geyser does the work for you. All you do is submit your video once to Traffic Geyser and it submits your video to all the major video sites.
If video submission wasn't enough, it does more. It gives you the ability to track your clients. It has e-mail auto responders and direct mail responders. It tracks so much and allows you to tweak your service to match your clients' needs.
It comes down to this: if you want to make money on the Internet, then you need some sort of video submission service.