Friday, 10 January 2014

How Web Video Production Can Increase Conversions and Decrease Bounce

Websites today are glorious multimedia presentations. The traditional 'here's my stuff, but it' format and even the powerful '14,000 word sales letter' format are dying in the face of massive Flash banners, video testimonials, 'live' web presenters, and more. Almost any website that's designed to trigger some form of action -- be it clicking the 'buy' button or signing up for a fledgling political party -- can benefit form the help of a web video production company.
Web video production has a few profound effects on your visitors. First, it's an 'opt-out' process rather than an 'opt-in' process. What that means is that, unlike reading text or signing up for your autoresponder course, video engages them before they ask it to. It starts playing, and they start hearing your message, and they have to respond to it, even if it's just to look carefully for the 'X'.
Second, video is engaging on multiple levels. It's one thing to have a pop-up 'opt-out' advertisement that has giant yellow letters on a red background that screams "BUY THIS NOW!" That's an immediate 'hunt for the X' game waiting to happen; if not an automatic close-this-window reflex. A video, by contrast, might be off-page when the audio starts, or at the minimum is already placed alongside the text, so there's no interruption when it begins playing. It quickly assumes control of your eyes and ears without interrupting your ability to continue perusing the page, making it that much more effective.
Finally, web video production gives you control over your message. You never know, when you write text, how someone else is going to inflect it in their own mind. You can guess that if they see something that ends in "..., Einstein.", they're going to take it as sarcasm. But what if you wrote something like "People who XYZ are literally geniuses"? Is that intended to be sarcasm? With a video, you have control over the attitude level and the intonation, so you can convey subtleties that text just can't manage.
When you sit down to design and create the 'killerest video ever' for your product, you need to know that, like everything worthwhile on the Internet, video marketing is already saturated. If you expect to make a web video production in a week and have it be great for your conversion rates, you're in for a severe case of effort shock.
That's why you should consider going with a web video production company: they don't have effort shock. They know exactly what it takes to pull together an effective web video, and they already have long lists of resources they can go to if they need a little something extra.
There are some seriously good reasons to want a web video produced for your site -- and some even better ones to let a team of qualified experts from a corporate video company do the job for you.